
What are Web services?

Web services are a crucial component of modern software architecture, allowing applications to communicate and interact over the internet. They enable interoperability between different systems

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Types of Authorization Techniques

Authorization is a fundamental aspect of information security, governing what actions users can perform and what resources they can access after they have been authenticated.

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Types of Authentication Techniques

Authentication is a cornerstone of information security, serving as the first line of defense against unauthorized access to systems and data. In today’s digital landscape,

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Authentication vs Authorization in API

Authentication vs Authorization in API

In the realm of web services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), two critical concepts stand out—authentication and authorization. These terms, though often used interchangeably, refer

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What is a Chatbot

What is a Chatbot?

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, chatbots have emerged as indispensable tools for businesses and individuals alike. These virtual assistants, powered by artificial intelligence (AI),

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Types of Chatbots

Types of Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users, typically via messaging applications or websites. There are several types of chatbots, each with

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Google Dialogflow Tutorial
Google Dialogflow Tutorial

Google Dialogflow Tutorial

Google Dialogflow is a powerful tool for building conversational interfaces, also known as chatbots. With Dialogflow, developers can easily create chatbots that can understand and

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